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Crystal Beginner Set

Regular price $25.00 USD
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10 pcs rough crystals for beginners. Save up and enjoy this incredible crystal set from natural rough stones.

Each set will include 10 pcs of crystals and 10 meaning cards that will represent each crystal: rose quartz, citrine, amethyst, green fluorite, honey calcite, sodalite, clear quartz point, apatite, black tourmaline and pyrite.

Each crystal will vary from shapes and colors, no crystal can be the same as the other.

This crystal kit is perfect for you to start your crystal collection, or to give it as a gift to your special person ❤

Each crystal will be wrapped securely inside a box.

❤ R O S E Q U A R T Z ❤

Rose quartz is known as the stone of ‘’unconditional love’’ It is one of the most important stones for the heart. It is used to attract any kind of love like family, friendships, romantic, and self love.
Rose quartz opens the heart at all levels bringing inner healing and it encourages self forgiveness and acceptance.
Also, it brings trust, harmony, and inner peace.
It is the best crystal to attract love and relationships towards you.

❤ A M E T H Y S T ❤

This stone is very powerful and protective, with high spiritual vibrations. It transforms the energy into love and blocks away negative energies. It has very strong healing and cleansing powers, Amethyst is known to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. Also, it is extremely beneficial in bringing peace to mind.

❤ C I T R I N E ❤

It is a stone that promotes motivation, it purifies the energy of everything around it and it’s known as the ‘’Happy Stone’’. It is a very powerful cleanser and regenerator. It attracts wealth, success, prosperity and all good things.

❤ G R E E N F L U O R I T E ❤

A highly protective stone, it can help stabilize and cleanse the aura. It can block negative energies and all kinds of stress. It is the best crystal that overcomes disorganization in any form and aids in mental clarity, focus and stability. This stone is an excellent learning aid, it increases concentration, quick thinking and helps to absorb new information. Also, fluorite improves balance, both physically and mentally.

❤ H O N E Y C A L C I T E ❤

This beautiful crystal is known as the stone of confidence, it encourages to overcome obstacles and increases feelings of self worth. Also, it is a powerful cleanser of energy, it is recommended to have honey calcite in a room to clean away all negativity from the environment. A very spiritual stone that will facilitate awareness and growth.

❤ S O D A L I T E ❤

This stone is very useful for meditational practices, it opens spiritual perception and can help you understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. Sodalite guides you to remain truthful to your beliefs and stand up for yourself. This stone helps calm the mind, brings emotional balance and controls any mechanism that hold you back from being your true self.

❤ C L E A R Q U A R T Z ❤

It is known as the most powerful healing stone. It amplifies, absorbs, stores and releases energy. It acts as a deep soul cleanser connecting the mind with physical dimensions and brings the body into balance. Its properties are extremely beneficial to spiritual healing and will enhance the vibrations of other crystals when used together.

❤ A P A T I T E ❤

Apatite is a manifestation stone with inspirational properties and promotes humanitarian attitudes. It aids in self-expression on all levels increasing motivation in communicating with others better. Apatite can also ease sorrow, apathy, anger and irritability by releasing energy in the base chakra, clearing any frustration. This stone is very helpful in stimulating creativity and the intellect as well.

❤ B L A C K T O U R M A L I N E ❤

An excellent protector against radiation, electromagnetic smog and any kind of negative energies. This stone can aid clearing negative thoughts and tension. Black Tourmaline encourages creativeness and to have a positive attitude no matter what the circumstances are.

❤ P Y R I T E ❤

A very powerful and protective stone, Pyrite can protect against any negative vibration or energy. It stimulates the intellect, enhances memory and encourages to have a healthy living.
Pyrite helps overcoming shyness by empowering your will power and attracts wealth, money and good opportunities in life.

NOTE: Natural stones are not perfect, it is the beauty of them, expect minor imperfections!!